Thursday 6 December 2012

Final Brochure Design ( NIGEL )

Rationale (Angela)

Through this assignment, we’ve to chose an advertisement that we dissatisfied and state the reasons why we does not approve the advertisement. Our main objective is to explore the main problem of the ads and re-advertised the product/brand. In another side, we also learned how these advertisement is related to the culture and society. Out of all those advertistment, we’ve chosen Kaspersky as our main advertisement that we strongly disagree and how it relates to the culture and society.

Kaspersky is an antivirus program designed to protect users from malware. Through advertising, Kaspersky had been a well-known brand all over the world. Kaspersky mostly using famous celebrities or famed icon internationaly to advertise Kaspersky anti-virus program.

Kaspersky made a good use of famous celebrity to advertise their products and eventually the product became well-known all over the world because of the celebrity. Once the brand are well-known, people will try to find out more about the products because their idols are advertising for the products. Once again, the celebrity characteristic does not bring out the main value of the product, which is protecting and destroy viruses of malware. The advertising are not strong enough to represent the image of Kaspersky which is fighting off the virus from malware.

For example, Jackie Chan is a well-known celebrity for his martial arts and action drama. Most of the Kaspersky advertisement used Jackie Chan as the ambassador. From our opinion, Kaspersky is an anti-virus software, which is more related to technology and electronic devices. What we discusses that martial arts doesn't has any relation towards anti-virus software. In the culture and society, the advertisement may mislead the audience that Kaspersky is an useful software in fact Jackie Chan had the martial arts that convince the consumer using Kaspersky will definitely defend them for viruses.

Besides that, in Malaysia, Dato’ Lee Chong Wei is the ambassador for Kaspersky’s advertisement. Dato’ Lee Chong Wei is a professional badminton player which represents Malaysia in Olympic's badminton. Definitely, sports has no relation to Kaspersky nor electronic devices. Using athletic celebrities to advertise the product might not be strong enough to promote Kaspersky because Kaspersky is an anti-virus program where sport celebrities and Kaspersky doesn't share any similar characteristic.

Kaspersky’s advertising can be improved in another way without celebrities endorsement. Kaspersky could have their very own mascot/icon which represents their product purpose, characteristic and tagline. A custom icon that is more related to electronic devices will convey better message to the audience. Characteristic of strong, muscular, intelligent and have a strong knowledge in IT would be suitable for the icon. These individuality characteristic which belongs to only Kaspersky could brings out the main purpose of Kaspersky was established where it is able to destroy the virus that invaded the computer rather then using characteristic that already portrait by the celebrities.

Iron man, is our main inspiration. Basically Iron man is a superhero, that mainly uses electronic device to save his own life. Therefore, we created a mascot for Kaspersky which used the colour scheme of the product on the icon. The mascot are most likely green, red and white. Besides advertising, giving out brochure may be a good option too. Brochure is the most workable traditional way to deliver messages, promotion or etc. It works because people can read about more information what is Kaspersky and how does it function. In addition, a USB drive would be attached on the brochure and distribute it as a free gift to the readers. USB drive is an electronic device that allows people to save their file and bring it everywhere they goes. Eventually, every human being in the world loves free gift.
It may cause a lot of budget to create this, but it would be a good beginning to attract and introduce the revolution of Kaspersky. The USB drive is designed with the Kaspersky's mascot head on top of the flash drive. It has a female and male version. This makes the USB drive special and interesting that would be loved by the audience.

Apart from brochure, we considering to use elevator as a second media of advertising to target office workers who use computers frequently. We are going to stick sticker on the door of the elevator showing virus infection and when it open there is a robot of Kaspersky killing the virus. Information can be get through standing in the elevator. The purpose of advertised in the elevator because people usually  do nothing while waiting in the lift till they reach to their floor. This would makes them read and understand more about how Kaspersky protect them instead of looking awkwardly at the floor or other people in the elevator.

This is our idea of how we can improvise Kaspersky’s advertisement and creating a new image for Kaspersky.

References (2010)
 Ahad.. Kenduri Kawen. | AnnFrendly's Blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012]. (2010) Malaysian Melee: August 2010. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].
Cool Adverts (2012) Cool Adverts. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012]. (2009) emerging-advertising-media - Elevator advertising. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].
English Nut (2012) English Nut. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].
La tipica vida de un cibernauta (2009) Mi nuevo Blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].
Meme Images (n.d.) Wondering Whether We Are To Call Them Ambassadresses As Well. [online] Available at:*pics-misc*biscuitchicks.jpg [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].
Sanders, A. (2011) The New Haven Register Blogs: Citizens' Craze: February 2011. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].
Utopia, I. (2010) Picasa Web Albums - ICT Utopia. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012]. (n.d.) Как не надо себя вести в интернете. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].
YouTube (n.d.) Jackie Chan - Kaspersky (HD). [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].


I uploaded 2 version of the final elevator advertising.
GIF and MP4

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Final idea for the Pen drive ( Oli )

This is the final idea for our new pen drive ( Kaspersky )
I have explored the ideas of creating two new pen drive ( Male and Female Robot )
I came up with this final ideas

Monday 3 December 2012

Final Mascot for Kaspersky (Kak & Angela)

This is the final combination for our robot as the mascot for Kaspersky. (Kak)
and the Mold making in progress for the pendrive idea. (Angela)

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Final Draft of Mascot. (Nigel)

Female Robot Design (secondary design)

Male Robot Design ( The initial icon)

Elevator Advertising (Kak)

This is a GIF file (ANIMATED)
It take 4sec for the door to open hahaha

I was thinking about the best place to advertise an anti-virus software.
In my opinion, computers are used by worker who work in an office which is usually located in a big building, so every morning they would have to stand infront the elevator and wait for it.
The idea is to attract the audience by placing a virus shape with digital background to show that this is digital virus (computer virus). and Kaspersky logo on the right bottom of the door.
When the door open there will be the Kaspersky Robot to use his laser blasting the virus apart, that could means saving your computer from viruses.
I think this advertising method would be much better comparing to putting it in outdoor with some famous celebrities, because not every driver are concern about computing things whereas most of the office workers own their personal computer/notebook/laptop and this would be one of the best method to target our audience. Usually people are free in the lift and they got time to read the info.

What are the Pros and Cons?

Pros: Studies have shown that over 500 people pass through a typical hi-rise building each day. During a three month showing in just one building, your message receives almost 70,000 impressions. Only elevator advertising gives you this level of frequency, this level of continuous exposure to a totally captive audience. Only elevator advertising gives you such high impact advertising.
Research conducted by the Marketing Departments of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute in Toronto and Capilano College in Vancouver showed that:
•Elevator advertising achieved the highest unaided medium awareness with 84%
•Elevator advertising achieved the highest aided media recall with 96%
•On average, residents make four trips daily in their elevators
•On average, residents have two visitors to their apartments each week
•85% of comments regarding elevator advertising were favorable
(The most recurring comment: "It gives you something to do.")
•82% feel that elevator ads are interesting to read” (Hi-Rise).Cons: While studies have revealed that those who ride elevators are extremely responsive to the advertising and more than likely to remember it, that does not account for all of those people who don’t get in that elevator. What if you don’t live in an apartment with an elevator advertisement, or an office building that has one in each of their elevators? Then you are not being reached by this emerging media. Also, another down side could be that some people, who are in the elevator with the ads, are simply annoyed that they are now being targeted in the two seconds of peace they get during the day away from everyone and everything.