Thursday 6 December 2012

Final Brochure Design ( NIGEL )

Rationale (Angela)

Through this assignment, we’ve to chose an advertisement that we dissatisfied and state the reasons why we does not approve the advertisement. Our main objective is to explore the main problem of the ads and re-advertised the product/brand. In another side, we also learned how these advertisement is related to the culture and society. Out of all those advertistment, we’ve chosen Kaspersky as our main advertisement that we strongly disagree and how it relates to the culture and society.

Kaspersky is an antivirus program designed to protect users from malware. Through advertising, Kaspersky had been a well-known brand all over the world. Kaspersky mostly using famous celebrities or famed icon internationaly to advertise Kaspersky anti-virus program.

Kaspersky made a good use of famous celebrity to advertise their products and eventually the product became well-known all over the world because of the celebrity. Once the brand are well-known, people will try to find out more about the products because their idols are advertising for the products. Once again, the celebrity characteristic does not bring out the main value of the product, which is protecting and destroy viruses of malware. The advertising are not strong enough to represent the image of Kaspersky which is fighting off the virus from malware.

For example, Jackie Chan is a well-known celebrity for his martial arts and action drama. Most of the Kaspersky advertisement used Jackie Chan as the ambassador. From our opinion, Kaspersky is an anti-virus software, which is more related to technology and electronic devices. What we discusses that martial arts doesn't has any relation towards anti-virus software. In the culture and society, the advertisement may mislead the audience that Kaspersky is an useful software in fact Jackie Chan had the martial arts that convince the consumer using Kaspersky will definitely defend them for viruses.

Besides that, in Malaysia, Dato’ Lee Chong Wei is the ambassador for Kaspersky’s advertisement. Dato’ Lee Chong Wei is a professional badminton player which represents Malaysia in Olympic's badminton. Definitely, sports has no relation to Kaspersky nor electronic devices. Using athletic celebrities to advertise the product might not be strong enough to promote Kaspersky because Kaspersky is an anti-virus program where sport celebrities and Kaspersky doesn't share any similar characteristic.

Kaspersky’s advertising can be improved in another way without celebrities endorsement. Kaspersky could have their very own mascot/icon which represents their product purpose, characteristic and tagline. A custom icon that is more related to electronic devices will convey better message to the audience. Characteristic of strong, muscular, intelligent and have a strong knowledge in IT would be suitable for the icon. These individuality characteristic which belongs to only Kaspersky could brings out the main purpose of Kaspersky was established where it is able to destroy the virus that invaded the computer rather then using characteristic that already portrait by the celebrities.

Iron man, is our main inspiration. Basically Iron man is a superhero, that mainly uses electronic device to save his own life. Therefore, we created a mascot for Kaspersky which used the colour scheme of the product on the icon. The mascot are most likely green, red and white. Besides advertising, giving out brochure may be a good option too. Brochure is the most workable traditional way to deliver messages, promotion or etc. It works because people can read about more information what is Kaspersky and how does it function. In addition, a USB drive would be attached on the brochure and distribute it as a free gift to the readers. USB drive is an electronic device that allows people to save their file and bring it everywhere they goes. Eventually, every human being in the world loves free gift.
It may cause a lot of budget to create this, but it would be a good beginning to attract and introduce the revolution of Kaspersky. The USB drive is designed with the Kaspersky's mascot head on top of the flash drive. It has a female and male version. This makes the USB drive special and interesting that would be loved by the audience.

Apart from brochure, we considering to use elevator as a second media of advertising to target office workers who use computers frequently. We are going to stick sticker on the door of the elevator showing virus infection and when it open there is a robot of Kaspersky killing the virus. Information can be get through standing in the elevator. The purpose of advertised in the elevator because people usually  do nothing while waiting in the lift till they reach to their floor. This would makes them read and understand more about how Kaspersky protect them instead of looking awkwardly at the floor or other people in the elevator.

This is our idea of how we can improvise Kaspersky’s advertisement and creating a new image for Kaspersky.

References (2010)
 Ahad.. Kenduri Kawen. | AnnFrendly's Blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012]. (2010) Malaysian Melee: August 2010. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].
Cool Adverts (2012) Cool Adverts. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012]. (2009) emerging-advertising-media - Elevator advertising. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].
English Nut (2012) English Nut. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].
La tipica vida de un cibernauta (2009) Mi nuevo Blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].
Meme Images (n.d.) Wondering Whether We Are To Call Them Ambassadresses As Well. [online] Available at:*pics-misc*biscuitchicks.jpg [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].
Sanders, A. (2011) The New Haven Register Blogs: Citizens' Craze: February 2011. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].
Utopia, I. (2010) Picasa Web Albums - ICT Utopia. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012]. (n.d.) Как не надо себя вести в интернете. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].
YouTube (n.d.) Jackie Chan - Kaspersky (HD). [online] Available at: [Accessed: 7 Dec 2012].


I uploaded 2 version of the final elevator advertising.
GIF and MP4

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Final idea for the Pen drive ( Oli )

This is the final idea for our new pen drive ( Kaspersky )
I have explored the ideas of creating two new pen drive ( Male and Female Robot )
I came up with this final ideas

Monday 3 December 2012

Final Mascot for Kaspersky (Kak & Angela)

This is the final combination for our robot as the mascot for Kaspersky. (Kak)
and the Mold making in progress for the pendrive idea. (Angela)

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Final Draft of Mascot. (Nigel)

Female Robot Design (secondary design)

Male Robot Design ( The initial icon)

Elevator Advertising (Kak)

This is a GIF file (ANIMATED)
It take 4sec for the door to open hahaha

I was thinking about the best place to advertise an anti-virus software.
In my opinion, computers are used by worker who work in an office which is usually located in a big building, so every morning they would have to stand infront the elevator and wait for it.
The idea is to attract the audience by placing a virus shape with digital background to show that this is digital virus (computer virus). and Kaspersky logo on the right bottom of the door.
When the door open there will be the Kaspersky Robot to use his laser blasting the virus apart, that could means saving your computer from viruses.
I think this advertising method would be much better comparing to putting it in outdoor with some famous celebrities, because not every driver are concern about computing things whereas most of the office workers own their personal computer/notebook/laptop and this would be one of the best method to target our audience. Usually people are free in the lift and they got time to read the info.

What are the Pros and Cons?

Pros: Studies have shown that over 500 people pass through a typical hi-rise building each day. During a three month showing in just one building, your message receives almost 70,000 impressions. Only elevator advertising gives you this level of frequency, this level of continuous exposure to a totally captive audience. Only elevator advertising gives you such high impact advertising.
Research conducted by the Marketing Departments of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute in Toronto and Capilano College in Vancouver showed that:
•Elevator advertising achieved the highest unaided medium awareness with 84%
•Elevator advertising achieved the highest aided media recall with 96%
•On average, residents make four trips daily in their elevators
•On average, residents have two visitors to their apartments each week
•85% of comments regarding elevator advertising were favorable
(The most recurring comment: "It gives you something to do.")
•82% feel that elevator ads are interesting to read” (Hi-Rise).Cons: While studies have revealed that those who ride elevators are extremely responsive to the advertising and more than likely to remember it, that does not account for all of those people who don’t get in that elevator. What if you don’t live in an apartment with an elevator advertisement, or an office building that has one in each of their elevators? Then you are not being reached by this emerging media. Also, another down side could be that some people, who are in the elevator with the ads, are simply annoyed that they are now being targeted in the two seconds of peace they get during the day away from everyone and everything.

Our mascot (Angela)

Hey guys and girls,


We've decided to use Oli's first sketches and Nigel's sketches for our mascot. We're going to combine it and make a pendrive of the mascot. It will be awesome :)

We decide to use clay to make the robot.
I think we should name the mascot as Kaspersky?

We're still on our way to make it :)
We will upload photos of our process making the mascot.

Why do we chose to use pendrive as our media?

Let me ask you something.

Please take this brochure home. You'll get a FREE pendrive. The pendrive is sticked in the brochure.

Will you want a FREE pendrive? I bet everyone does! IT'S FREE JUST TAKE IT!

:) We'll update really soon again :)


Angela Ng.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Sketches of Robots for Kaspersky ( Oli )

I came out with a few sketches of robots.
Why Robots?
The characteristics of a robot are that they are strong, they perform difficult tasks and they have the ability to fulfill those tasks. They can be security guards to protect people.
Kaspersky Anti virus is used to protect the users from malware. It will protect your computer, so i think that using the idea of including robots, is good to improve our advertisements.

Kaspersky Ads Redesign Sketches (NIGEL & ANGELA))

From the research we conducted, Kaspersky advertising usually using athletic celebrities to promote their product. Such as jackie Chan, Jay Chou and Lee Chong Wei. Somehow the message in their ads are just attracting customer due to the celebrities fame. So we are thinking to established an icon for Kaspersky. Basically a strong representative only makes Kaspersky works. In the first development, all of us came out with different idea, and selected robot as our identity.
On the whole, we suggested  the robot should have a few personality that represent Kaspersky.
For instance: Strong? People who can defend or protect something?

I came out with a few sketches and thinks to synthesis a few inspiration into one subject. Example, Ironman+Hulk= Green and big sized half naked Robot. These are my sketches.

Hi :) I'm Angela .

These are the sketches I started to sketch for the mascot.
Unfortunately it's not a successful one because it has a chubby and cute image. While we're trying to create a strong image for the mascot. Cute image don't work well for the Kaspersky mascot because it won't be strong enough to kill the virus from malware.

Therefore, we tried a lot of sketches for the mascot.

Kapersky Background (Nigel)

Kaspersky Anti-Virus (RussianАнтивирус Касперского; formerly known as AntiViral Toolkit Pro; often referred to as KAV) is an antivirus program developed by Kapersky Lab. It is designed to protect users from malware and is primarily designed for computers running Microsoft Office and Mac OS X, though a version for Linux is available for business consumers. 

Kaspersky Anti-Virus features include real-time protection, detection and removal of viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, adware, key-loggers malicious tools and auto-dialers, as well as detection and removal of root kits. It also includes instantaneous automatic updates via the "Kaspersky Security Network" service.
According to Kaspersky, "Kaspersky Security Network service allows users of Kaspersky Lab security products from around the world to help facilitate malware identification and reduce the time it takes to provide protection against new (“in the wild”) security risks targeting your computer." Kaspersky lAb maintains a strict privacy policy for use of this service and asserts that volunteering to use this service by sending certain information "contains no personally identifiable information about the user and is utilized by Kaspersky Lab for no other purposes but to enhance its security products and to further advance solutions against malicious threats and viruses."
Microsoft Words users may download antivirus rescue disk that scans the host computer during booting inside an isolated Linux environment. In addition, Kaspersky Anti-Virus prevents itself from being disabled by malware without user permission via password access prompts upon disabling protection elements and changing internal settings. It also scans incoming instant messenger traffic, automatically disables links to known malwarehosting sites while using Internet Explorer or Firefox and includes free technical support and free product upgrades within paid-subcription periods. Kaspersky Lab currently offers one year, two year and three year subscriptions.

Ads Research

Friday 16 November 2012

Stronger identity for Kaspersky (Kak)


After discussion, we decided to give the company a stronger identity.

Kaspersky always use some famous celebrities as their spokesman but these celebrities are not really related to anti-virus program. The examples are Jackie Chan and Lee Chong Wei, they might be good at action movies or sports, but we are not sure if they are really good in using technology stuff like computers, so its not too convincing for the consumer to feel the product.

What do we do to make Kaspersky a stronger company and in terms of their advertisement?
We are going to create a new mascot for the company referring to Ironman.

The reason why we choose Ironman as our reference is because Ironman is good at digital things,as in computers and all the software, all the laser stuff. Other than that, Ironman do also represent strong and justice, so using it as a mascot would be much better for an anti-virus software company.

Of course we are not going to copy exactly how Ironman looks like, we are going to draw a new robot that has almost the same characteristics as Ironman.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Research about Kaspersky ( Oli )

Poster Kaspersky ( Oli )

We have decided to chose Kaspersky Advertisement ( Internet Security ) for our final assignment.
Main color used in the poster : Green and Red.
The advertisement can be improved further more.

Kaspersky Ads In Malaysia (Kak)

Pic1, Source:
Pic2, Source:
Pic3,5, Source:
Pice4, Source:

Kaspersky Lab Malaysia has officially launched the latest version of its flagship consumer products, Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 and Kaspersky Anti-Virus. The grand event also saw the introduction of Kaspersky Lab’s first Malaysian brand ambassador, World No.1 Badminton Men’s Singles Champion, Dato Lee Chong Wei.

Kaspersky Lab currently holds about 50% of the personal secure content management software market and Malaysia and looks to increase this figure even further. According to Mr. Jimmy Fong, Channel Sales Director for Kaspersky Lab in South East Asia, the company expects the response to the latest version of its consumer products to be strong due to the addition of more cutting-edge technology and features incorporated into the products.

On the appointment of national hero Dato Lee Chong Wei as the first Malaysian ambassador for Kaspersky Lab, Mr. Jimmy Fong said, “We are proud to have him on board. He is a Malaysian and world champion, which complements our aim to be number one, not just in some markets including Malaysia, but globally as well”.

Dato Lee Chong Wei joins international superstar Jackie Chan as the second Asian brand ambassador for Kaspersky lab. He says, “It is an honour to be selected to represent Kaspersky Lab as I have been using Kaspersky Internet Security for the past two years with excellent results.

About Lee Chong Wei (

Datuk Lee Chong Wei (born in Georgetown, Penang; October 21, 1982) is a professional badminton player from Malaysia.
Lee is a silver medalist in both the 2012 and 2008 Olympic Games, becoming the first Malaysian to reach the final of the men's singles event and ending Malaysia's Olympic medal drought since 1996.
As a singles player, Lee was ranked first worldwide on August 21, 2008. He is the third Malaysian men's singles shuttler after Rashid Sidek and Roslin Hashim to achieve such a ranking (since official rankings were first kept in the 1980s), and is the only Malaysian shuttler to hold the ranking for more than two weeks.

About Jackie Chan (
Jackie Chan was born (Chan Kong-sang) on April 7, 1954, in Hong Kong, China. He began studying martial arts, drama, acrobatics, and singing at age seven. Once considered a likely successor ofBruce Lee in Hong Kong cinema, Chan instead developed his own style of martial arts blended with screwball physical comedy. He became a huge star throughout Asia and went on to have hits in the U.S. as well.

What makes a good advertisement & About Kaspersky (Kak)

What Makes a Good Ad?

Contrary to what many think, it is not hard to create a good ad. There are many great ads that may appear very different on the surface, but ultimately all follow a simple rule: less is more.

In any advertisement, the timeframe you have to make an impression on your audience is limited to seconds. For billboard and print ads, this may be as little as 3-5 seconds; for radio and television, 30 seconds is usually standard. This limited time and space may encourage the notion that the ad or commercial must be full to the brim with information. This is misleading, and merely creates a cluttered, schizophrenic ad that becomes lost among similar amateur efforts. It is far more effective to develop a concise, coherent ad that appeals well to its audience.

A good ad:
  • Connects with its audience
  • Is memorable and easily recalled
  • Provides information quickly and succinctly
  • Doesn’t confuse the viewer or make them hunt for the pertinent information
  • Calls the viewer to action
It’s okay to have white spaces, pauses, slow pans, or other elements that some might call a “waste” of space. Effective advertising does not lambaste the viewer with information; it allows room for the message to get the audience’s attention and connect.

What makes a good print ad? A good print ad is composed of four elements:
  • A provocative image
  • A strong headline
  • A paragraph or two of tight, well-written copy
  • A logo and/or contact information
What makes a good outdoor ad? A good outdoor ad has the following:
  • A single, easy to recognize image
  • Only 3 to 5 words – any more and they’ll be missed
  • A clear logo or branding


    About Kaspersky Lab
    “We are here to save the world. We believe that everyone should be free to get the most from technology – without intrusion or other security fears. Our team of specialists lets you live your digital life without worrying about your personal information and assets. We develop, produce and distribute information security solutions that protect our customers from IT threats and allow businesses to manage risk.” 

    Eugene Kaspersky, co-founder and CEO of Kaspersky Lab and Chairman of the Kaspersky Lab group
    Kaspersky Lab is one of the fastest growing IT security vendors worldwide. Today it is firmly positioned as one of the world’s top four leading antivirus vendors*. Kaspersky Lab continues to further improve its market position, demonstrating higher growth rates than the market in general. According to the company’s 2011 unaudited financial results, Kaspersky Lab’s global revenue grew by 14% compared to the previous year and reached $612 million. Today it’s the world’s largest privately held vendor of endpoint protection solutions.

    The company today

    Kaspersky Lab is an international group operating in almost 200 countries and territories worldwide. The company’s headquarters are located in Moscow, Russia, from where it oversees global operations and business development.
    Kaspersky Lab currently employs over 2,500 highly qualified specialists. The company has its own territory offices in 30 countries and its products and technologies provide protection for over 300 million users and over 200,000 corporate clients worldwide. The company provides a wide range of products and solutions for different types of clients, with a special focus on small and medium-sized businesses as well as home users.

    Unique experience and knowledge

    In 2012 Kaspersky Lab celebrates its 15th anniversary. Undoubtedly, the company’s most valuable asset is the wealth of expertise it has gained in those years of combating major IT threats including malware research, counteracting potentially dangerous applications, traffic filters etc. This helps the company to remain one step ahead of the competition and provide its users with the most reliable protection from new types of attack.


Decision for the re-advertisement :)

Hello :)

We've decided to chose the Kaspersky advertisement for our final :)

The headline wrote "The kungfu experts choice." I think kungfu is not related to anti-virus. Kungfu is martial arts while anti-virus is fighting the virus in the computer.

When I saw this advertisement, I couldn't understand what is Kaspersky about. I was wondering what is Jackie Chan doing in the commercial film. He's famous for martial arts drama or movie. He can fight well but I personally think, anti-virus has nothing to do with martial arts.

We chose this because we think this Kaspersky advertisement can be improved and be advertised in another way without using the famous celebrity.

Kaspersky can be introduced easily without using famous celebrities for Kaspersky's ambassador like how the anti-virus works to fight the computer's virus.

Kaspersky is an anti-virus software for computers and laptops. Maybe Kaspersky can emphasize on how the anti-virus works on the computer.

As for Malaysia, Lee Chong Wei is the professional badminton player whom represents Malaysia and also the ambassador for Kaspersky. Kaspersky choses famous ambassadors and who have the strong image, to advertise for Kaspersky anti-virus software. 
Kaspersky can have their own mascot of how Kaspersky fight off the virus.

This one is Jay Chou's version.

By : Angela Ng

Brief for the project

The brief of this assignment :)

Assignment 2

Culture and Consumerism for BA(HONS)GCD Semester 2 

1. Group yourselves into 4 per group
2. Each member in a group to select at least 1 advertisement that has failed in its message.
3. Your justification (rationale - can be in point form) as to why it has failed. E.g. racist remarks, doesn't reach out to the target audience, unsuitable language, art and design principles that were badly applied, etc. Please keep in mind that your main concern is culture. 
4. Please DO NOT select failed ads from Googling up other people's opinions. Select your own. 

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Professor Nigel Research

Sorry about the nudity, but this ads is one of my research. 
I found it quite interesting where it shows quite an obvious gender discrimination. 
It was originated from thailand where it trying to convey message to ask male foreign and local male
to think carefully before approaching female where Kathoey(ladyboy) are around the cities.I think is quite offensive and disrespectful to female and 3rd gender person.
A cola ads. I am getting the message they are trying convey. Internationally people wants to drink cola? Even polar in the north craving for cola? ( correct me if i am wrong) Firstly, the polar bears is the matter of the whole advertising. It doesn't have its individuality personality. If i erased the cola bottle, would it tell it was a cola advertising? It would turn up like some sort of fresh&white toothpaste advertisement. Secondly, the words and the bears are too contrast. It disappear cover by the white polar fur and turns out readable. 

Basically this ads obviously created for McDonald in Kothrud. 
It trying to communicated the readers about new born baby are also adapted to McDonalds. That why they using the McDonalds icon, the red fancy joker.
I founded this ads quite a long time, but there is images keep stuck in my mind. It reminds me of
Chucky the killer doll. I think is not really suitable using the icon make up on a baby where it creates a creepy impression= ( living dead dolls.) Naturally, the target audience of this ads( kid) will fear and started to stay away from McDonalds. 

The first time without looking the condom packaging, i thought it was a missile or something related to political issue. But when i study more deeper, it actually a using condom preventing pregnancy ads. Osama as the head of the sperm(illusion of missile) attacking some objects. It was an interesting synthetic metaphor, but raising this issue in an advertising; Would it become an insult to those who side with Osama? Would it cause another terrorist in America or other where??  

The ads is advertising for listerine. It do sells a direct information. But in the same time, it does convey another meaning. Like what i mention above; if took out the product, it would obviously tells what's happening? Besides listerine, it can be also shampoo, shower gel, dead body smell or maybe deodorant. Maybe there is another way to show it more obvious?

._. brought to you by Angela :)

I'm here to share some really funny and interesting "not so good" ads :)

Long and juicy but the girl's neck was being edited and pulled long. It was disgusting and unpleasant to the viewers. This ads brings out a humorous feeling to the viewers. It doesn't brings out the delicious feel to the customers. The main point of this ad is the burger is long and juicy but all we could see was just the neck of the girl. They should emphasize on the burger.

Sorry for the bad quality of the picture.
Picture credits to the rightful owner.

This advertisement is promoting their new biscuits. It looks fine but why do we need 5 girls to hold the biscuits packets. It doesn't hold any meaning. It maybe could be the girls eating those biscuits to maintain their body shape. But their body was covered by the biscuits. 

I personally think this ads doesn't holds any meaning and because it is a billboard, drivers were driving while passing by, it should be easy to understand and within a second they could get what the ads is about.

I personally think that this ad is about the end of the world once I look at this advertisement. This photo was obviously took in the swimming pool and you can even see the surface of the water.


It means tsunami? I guess so! But why is that person swimming like a swimming pool. The buildings don't look real also and it looks like just a piece of wallpaper sticking on the wall.

Hmmmm smells nice right? But how she smells it ? The nose was not there :P The lips looks so seducing but is that the way she drinks? with her lipstick so red and so thick on? The cup of the coffee was so full. Everything is red. I think it could be a little contrast on the picture.

Woohooo~ This was really famous! People do wonders a lot what is this about. This is an anti-virus security for computers. They used those famous stars to promote it and it was really hard to understand what is the product about. The ad above is Eugene Kaspersky. The genius of IT security. 

This is Jackie's Chan version. 
The video is really awesome, like how Jackie Chan kicked and smashed all the virus off but the meaning of the video doesn't stands out. No one could really understand what is Kaspersky was about.

There's one more here, P1wmax. The background wasn't so interesting and looks too bland. Unpleasant to the viewers. The boy holding knife? for the kitchen's knife? to cut the wire? It seems funny though.